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All MSI ECO Series motherboards have passed extensive TUV testing and ultimately received the TUV certificates for Energy Efficiency and Long Term Stability. Well known independent and longtime testing company TUV recognizes MSI's unique ECO design as more power efficient and highlight an increased life expectancy for MSI ECO Series motherboards of 25 years. Enjoy true power saving for a very long time with MSI ECO Series motherboards.
MSI uses unique techniques in hardware and software design for ECO Series to use up less power than a light bulb! Save up to 40%.
ECO Center Pro let's you cut the power100% to devices.
Efficiency at your control; pressing the ECO button starts saving power immediately.
Ease of use with a button in hardware, BIOS and software design for more convenience.
The MSI Click BIOS 4 is the latest UEFI BIOS with optimizations for Windows 8. Not only that it also reacts faster, runs smoother and has better mouse support. And this all comes with many cool features. Click on the button on the right to visit our dedicated BIOS page and learn more.
With specially designed circuit protection, the MSI motherboard protects the CPU against overheating and USB devices from short circuiting.
Always connected with Intel® Gigabit LAN networking. The latest MSI 9 series motherboards come equipped with the high quality network solution from Intel®. Optimized for multimedia and gaming use to deliver a stable and fast network connection.
Enjoy the awesome HD video playback now! MSI motherboards that equip with HDMI port(s) supports the latest and the most innovative signal outputs to provide an unprecedented visual experience.