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    Meet Your Seller

    Antronix CMC2002H 2-Way-(5) Pack Horizontal Splitter (2) -3.5db Ports 5-1002 MHz

    • PACK of ..(5).. Digital broadcast and HDTV ready Compatible with existing and future networks
    • (2) -3.5db Ports Factory SEALED
    • Zinc Alloy diecast housing and backplate w/ proprietary Nickel Alloy plating Superior corrosion resistant plating combined with a diecast backplate protects the back of the housing where corrosion is more prominent
    • 1 inch port-to-port spacing Flat 15 psi sealed, SCTE compliant F-ports Prevents water migration in to the splitter and ensures an excellent ground connection
    • Flat 1 GHz bandwidth with minimal insertion loss Supports present and future multimedia applications including video, data and telephony

    Reliability, quality, and performance define the Digital Universal Antronix CMC2000-A series digital splitter. Our horizontal and vertical digital splitters have been designed specifically for today's two-way broadband networks. Low intermodulation distortion and 40 dB port-to-port return band isolation prevent high-power cable modem signals from distorting neighboring port signals. Capacitively coupled F-ports block AC surges and prevent hum modulation.

    Additionally, our digital splitters are among the most robust in the industry. Every port on each CMC2000-A series splitter is 6 kV ring wave surge protected, while our proprietary ferrites remain ultra-linear following several surges. The splitter ports are SCTE compliant with 1-inch spacing. The CMC2000-A series digital splitters employ high Q surface mount technology (SMT) components, guaranteeing consistent performance over time and temperature.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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