-Works well, and easy to apply -Personal opinion: Likely genuine!
Cheap, metal, not runny, one tube can do a lot of applications, etc.
Makes removing old paste very easy. Works in 30 seconds. Beats trying to remove the old way with a razor blade that could damage the HSF.
* Inexpensive (slightly less than something I oft get recommended) * Effective * And plenty of it (chances are it will last most folks a good long time)
Works great.
Very good thermal transfer. Also, you dont need much, a thin layer will do. Stock AMD Ryzen 7 Gen 3 3700x, during full load never got above 75 degrees C. I am not running the stock heatsink.
easy apply syringe style tube, multiple applications, low price
Not much you really can say. Great performance, doesn't dry out often. Not conductive or capacitive.
One of the best when it comes to thermal conductivity
Works well my 3800X runs 10 to 15F cooler now
Highly effective thermal transference. Comes in a convenient and easy to use applicator. Fantastic quality, high performance, easy to use. A must have for first time overclockers!