Moves an awesome amount of air, sturdy, priced very well
Cable management is so easy with these fans. Looks great, low dB (sound), MSI Cooling wizard is fun and very customizable. If you want the best, this is them currently.
Relatively quiet operation: multiply running modes. Lowered my CPU temps by 20+ degrees. Consistently runs cool even during graphically intensive game play.
The diamond shaped ring around the fan looks great in the dark. The fan is good for high pressure. Even the cord looks great.
- Can keep a 7850X under 85C at full load. - Fans are quiet - Looks amazing with the infinity fan - Easy cable management with since the fans are all daisy chained
look awesome daisy chain less wire perform well
- Keeps quiet - Looks good - Keeps CPU temps low - Comes with great thermal paste
- Keeps CPU under 50c under heavy load. Idles at about 25c. - looks great with the display showing temps - simple install and low maintenance. - super quiet
Sturdy, heavy build quality Whisper-quiet fans Adjustable RGB (can be turned off)
Super Quiet at high RPM SO much airflow, more than a similar corsair fan Excellent build quality You will learn to love the brown. Brown means quiet and cool.