Gabriel S.

Gabriel S.

Joined on 08/25/21


Product Reviews
product reviews
  • 2
Most Favorable Review

Description misleading

Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX 6600 Gaming 8GB GDDR6 HDMI / DP LITE EDITION Video Card 11310-04-20G
Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX 6600 Gaming 8GB GDDR6 HDMI / DP LITE EDITION Video Card 11310-04-20G

Pros: Great card . Fast quiet. Low heart 1080-1440p beast of a card for the money . Its a sapphire so great reliability in this card as-well as a great design and premium feel.

Cons: Nowhere does this card say it is the lite edition which has only one hdmi and one display port. This will not effect performance but it is irritating if you are trying to have more then a dual monitor set up.

Overall Review: This is a perfect card for most gamers that are sticking at a 1080 p high or ultra settings doesnt get below 80 on most new titles and in 1440 p doesnt get below 60 high settings . This card even does 4k with decent medium- high settings 60 fps. My only complaint is this is the lite model and very misleading from Newegg to advertise as the normal.

Most Critical Review

Hasnt shown up

Newegg Gift Card
Newegg Gift Card

Pros: None

Cons: all

Overall Review: It says 1-3 hours and its been 8 hours now i reached out to customer support which was a really nice person but basically said that they sent it and its my emails fault that it isn't showing up which i use Gmail like half the planet so it should have no issue as it never has until now with Newegg. i do not know if they just don't want to send the money or what's going on but quite frankly this is inconvenient