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    Meet Your Seller

    DirecTV SWM8 Multiswitch with 29V Power Supply Combo Kit by MN Nice

    • Supports up to 8 DIRECTV satellite tuners
    • Die-cast housing is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use
    • Multi-Room Viewing (MRV)
    • Contains a built-in diplexer for combining off-air signals with DIRECTV satellite signals onto a single home-run wire to the dwelling. Provides AGC for the satellite input signal
    • Supports six (6) LNB inputs, each triple-band stacked four ports (Ports 1 - 4) cover existing 99-deg;/101-deg;, 103-deg;/110-deg;/119-deg; satellites, plus two Flex Ports (95-deg; sat and 72.5-deg; sat)

    The SWM-8 (single-wire multiswitch, also knows as the SWM8 or SWiM) was designed to eliminate many of the issues involved in using house wiring in DIRECTV installs.KEY_TAB

    Supports up to 8 DIRECTV satellite tuners. Die-cast housing is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Multi-Room Viewing (MRV). Allows any transponder from any DIRECTV satellite input to be independently selected and distributed via one of eight designated SWM output frequency channels. Provides AGC for the satellite input signal.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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