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Why IOLAN SDG Device Servers are the preferred choice:
Secure Serial to Ethernet Connectivity
The IOLAN SDG Device Server enables administrators to securely access remote serial console ports on equipment such as PBX, servers, routers, network storage equipment and security appliances through an IP network. Sensitive data such as credit card holder information is protected through standard encryption tools such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Access by authorized users is assured via authentication schemes such as RADIUS, TACACS+, LDAP, Kerberos, NIS and RSA Security's SecurID tokens.
By using encryption technologies, an IOLAN can protect sensitive and confidential data from a serial device such as a credit card reader before being sent across a corporate Intranet or public Internet. For compatibility with peer encryption devices, all of the major encryption ciphers such as AES, 3DES, RC4, RC2 and CAST128 are fully supported.
Recognized as the most secure method for communicating to remote private networks over the Internet, the IPSec standard provides robust authentication and encryption of IP packets at the network layer of the OSI model. As a standard it is ideal for multi-vendor interoperation within a network providing flexibility and the ability to match the right solution for a particular application.
IOLAN Plug-ins
By choosig a Perle IOLAN Device Server you can rest assured that virtually any device with a serial COM port will operate in conjunction with your desired application exactly as it did when you had it directly connected. In the unlikely event that the Perle IOLAN Device Server does not enable this out of the box, Perle will make it work.
Perle IOLAN Device Servers utilize customer installable "Device Plug-ins" to successfully network devices where other solutions have failed. Request a free engineering consultation now.