Introduction: This is raspberry Pi USB hub, and integrated USB to serial port function, suitable for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ / 3 / 2 / B+ / Zero / Zero W. It will make you get rid of the trouble of lack of USB port on your Raspberry Pi, expecially for Raspberry Pi Zero (not for WH)
Features: 4 USB expansion ports, compatible with USB 2.0 / 1.1 transmission USB to UART for Raspberry Pi for serial debugging Multiple indicators for easy access to power, USB to UART and USB expansion interface
: Operating
voltage: 5V
ProductSize: 65mm × 30mm
Fixedholediameter: 3.0 mm
Ointerface: for connecting Raspberry Pi 2.
USBtoUART: for controlling the Raspberry Pi via serial terminal 3.
Binterface (bottom): for connecting the HUB to the Raspberry Pi USB port 1). Raspberry Pi Zero /
ZeroW: connected via Micro USB connector 2). Raspberry Pi B+ / 2B / 3B: connected via Micro USB cable 4.
USBextendedports: USB1~USB4 5.
USBportindicators: dedicated indicator for each USB port, D1~D4 for USB1~USB4 respectively
6. Power indicator 7. USB to UART indicator 8.
FE 1.1S: USB HUB chip 9. 12MHz crystal 10.
CP2102: USB to UART converter