The mid-low range intensity of the MPK165P. 3 car audio speakers system ensures a unique listening experience making it the ideal pairing with a powerful subwoofer section. The electroacoustic specifications of the MPK165P. 3 woofer were forged to give it the clear and solid sound of a genuine mid-bass, designed for high dynamic systems. The timbre balance of the MPK 165P. 3 is committed to the MPCX 2P. 3 crossover, which uses a copper inductor with a 1 mm diameter wire to filter the MP 165P. 3, which requires large impulse currents due to its nominal 3.
The tweeter MP 25.3 12dB/Octave crossover is made with a 160V bi-metallized polyester film capacitor and an air coil inductor of the highest quality. The tweeter (MP 25.3 ) has a level control (0/+ 2.5 dB) that allows the system to be adjusted to your liking.
The exponential profile approaches perfection very closely, resulting in remarkable dispersion.
Boundary Free Surround
This technology allows for a greater cone emission surface when compared to speakers of the same diameter; as a result, the cone is able to move a larger mass of air, resulting in increased sonic pressure. This unique surround is made of ultra-pure IIR butyl rubber which ensures exceptional thermal and mechanical linearity.