120 volt nitride furnace igniter Replaces hot surface ignitor for gas-fired furnace, boiler, and water heater
How to tell if your igniter is working if the igniter has continuity your multimeter should read anywhere from 9 to17 Ohms, if there is no reading on the multimeter or very little change, then there is no continuity and you will have to replace the nitride furnace igniter
1.97" Nitride heating element, 1.18"C eramic insulator body nonglazed 95% alumina- polished finish, 15-3/4 inch temperature rating 250 cable- 20 AWG/ UL 10362 specification
It works compatible with Cook Top, Cook Top and Range, Furnace and Warm Air Movement, Gas Ignition, Hot Surface Igniters, Infrared light source, Pool Heater and Boilers, Process Machinery, Special FX, Water, and Parking Heaters Nitride heating element
Power rating: 150 W. Temperature at 120v ± 0.5 v. 60HZ at 17 sec 1180. This is a very versatile product, very robust with long cycle life. Silicon nitride is extremely rugged and can be handled without fear of breakage or contamination.