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    Meet Your Seller

    1000g/h ozone generator air sterilization purifier cleaning fruits and vegetables

    • 110V/220V EU plug 1000g/h ozone generator air water sterilization purifier cleaning fruit and vegetable cans fish disinfectant
    • Disinfection and sterilization of fruits, vegetables, and meat to remove pesticide residues
    • Power: 220V voltage
    • Exhaust pressure: 12KPA
    • Plug type: EU plug
    110V/220V EU plug 1000g/h ozone generator air water sterilization purifier cleaning fruit and vegetable cans fish disinfectant

    Disinfection and sterilization of fruits, vegetables, and meat to remove pesticide residues

    Power: 220V voltage

    Exhaust pressure: 12KPA

    Plug type: EU plug

    Working principle: Using high pressure to produce O3 using dry air or oxygen in the air as raw material.
    Applications: Dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, electronic shoe cabinets, air purifiers, etc.
    Usage: When disinfecting the ozone generator, it is strictly prohibited to use it in environments with high temperatures, oil fumes, and humidity above 35 ° C. Do not connect directly to the ozone port with your eyes, nose, and respiratory tract to avoid discomfort. Employees should not work in high concentration ozone environments, use selective values, and do not use water to clean equipment;

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 30 days
    • Return for replacement within: 90 days
    • This item is covered by timhk Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
