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    Meet Your Seller

    Chenyang PCI Express PCI-E 3.0 & Dual SATA to NGFF NVME MSATA M-Key B/M-key SSD Card Adapter 3in1

    • PCI Express PCI-E 3.0 and Dual SATA to NGFF NVME MSATA M-Key B/M-key SSD Card Adapter 3in1
    • The three SSD Can work at same time.Transfer to the operating system and does not require any software drivers.
    • For MSATA SSD, You need to connect the SATA cable to Motherboard SATA Port.
    • For NGFF B/M-key or B-Key SSD, You need to connect the SATA cable to Motherboard SATA Port.
    • For NGFF M-key NVME SSD, You need to connect the PCI-E to Motherboard.
    • Powered from PCI-E port for three SSDs. no need extral power.
    • Support Type 2230/2242/2260/2280 type M.2 SSD and MSATA SSD.
    • System requirement:Motherboard: Z97 or later and Windows 10 or later.

    PCI Express PCI-E 3.0 and Dual SATA to NGFF NVME MSATA M-Key B/M-key SSD Card Adapter 3in1
    The three SSD Can work at same time.Transfer to the operating system and does not require any software drivers.
    For MSATA SSD, You need to connect the SATA cable to Motherboard SATA Port.
    For NGFF B/M-key or B-Key SSD, You need to connect the SATA cable to Motherboard SATA Port.
    For NGFF M-key NVME SSD, You need to connect the PCI-E to Motherboard.
    Powered from PCI-E port for three SSDs. no need extral power.
    Support Type 2230/2242/2260/2280 type M.2 SSD and MSATA SSD.
    System requirement:Motherboard: Z97 or later and Windows 10 or later.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Woot's Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
