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    Meet Your Seller

    15pin SATA Power to 6pin PCI-e PCI Express Adapter Cable Video Card

    • SATA 15 pin to 6 pin adapter power your video card using this cable. It is perfect if you don't have enough PCI-E power connectors to run your video card.
    SATA 15 pin to 6 pin adapter power your video card using this cable. It is perfect if you don't have enough PCI-E power connectors to run your video card.
    8 inch (20cm) length connector, the video card power cable is perfect for internal cable management
    Great for intense Gaming & BitCoin Mining
    6-pin PCI-E power to 15-pin SATA power cable for direct connection to your power supply reduces the power burden on your motherboard and ensures maximum compatibility with your power supply.
    18AWG Wire

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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