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    Meet Your Seller

    15pin SATA Power to 6pin PCI-e PCI Express Adapter Cable Video Card

    • SATA 15 pin to 6 pin adapter power your video card using this cable. It is perfect if you don't have enough PCI-E power connectors to run your video card.
    15pin SATA Power to 6pin PCIe PCI-e PCI Express Adapter Cable for Video Card
    If your PC's power supply has no PCI-express power connectors (or not enough of them for your needs) you can use this handy cable to provide PCIe power from one of your open SATA connections.
    Approximate Cable Length: around 20cm from end to end
    Connector A: 15-Pin SATA Male
    Connector B: 6-Pin PCI-Express Card Power Adapter
    Wire: 18 AWG CopperPackage:
    5XSATA 15-Pin Male to 6-Pin PCI-Express Card Power Adapter Cable 20cm

    Warranty & Returns

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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