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    Full Kanban Board and Scrum Board Toolset, Agile Management Full Board Set for Office, Home and School, 84 Pieces of Agile Magnetic Cards Set with Customizable Magnetic Kanban & Scrum & Lean Board

    • FULL AGILE MANAGEMENT SET. All you need in one set. A special full Magnetic Agile Board comes with 84 pieces of full Magnetic Agile Card Set as well as all necessary accessories. Suitable for Kanban, Scrum, Chore or any other Lean Management processes for Office, Home or School use. You can use it as a Scrum Board, Kan ban Board, Chore Board, Lean Board, Communication Board, To do List Board, Continuous Improvement Board and even use as a standard magnetic white boardCUSTOMIZABLE AGILE SCRUM KANBAN LEAN BOARD You can easily customize your board headlines with the empty headline cards that come with your set. Just snap the empty headline magnet cards on your board right on dedicated column headlines spaces,SNAP ON IT, WRITE ON IT! Not only you can snap the magnetic cards that come with the set, you can also write on the board! It is a dry erase board. The set comes with non permanent special card markers, dry erase board markers as well as board & magnet card cleaner
    Magnetic Board Included
    Task Cards - Magnetic 30 24 44 100 60 100
    Detail Story Cards - Magnetic 6 10 25 10 25
    Column Headline Cards - Magnetic 3 5 5 Integrated Integrated & 5
    Blank Column Headline Cards - Magnetic 2 4 4 4
    Blocker Cards -Magnetic 2 4 10 10 10
    Magnetic Card Markers (0.6 mm tips) 1 1 1 3 2 3
    Magnetic Board Markers (2mm tips) 4 4 4 4
    Column Line Tapes 1 3 3 Integrated Integrated & 3
    Easel (Board Stand)


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    pmxboard Physical Kanban and Scrum Board Set, Full Magnetic Set


    All you need is in one set. A special full Magnetic Agile Board comes with 84 pieces of full Agile Magnetic Card set (Task Cards, Headline Cards, Blockers and Detail Cards), a Tripod and all other required accessories. Suitable as Kanban Board, Scrum Board or any other Lean Management processes for Office, Home or School use. You can even use your board as Chore Board & To Do List Board to track and manage your household activities and make it magnetic family board!


    Not only you can snap the magnetic cards that come with the set, you can also write on the board! The set comes with special card markers, separately board markers and erasers.


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    Home Office

    You can use the set at your home to organize your workload and increase your efficiency! Have everything visually planned, remove the anxiety from your life

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    Use the set with your team to build your Kanban, Scrum, Lean or any other Agile Process. Our set with customizable headlines can be utilized in many different project needs

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    Use it at school or home school to organize your kid's homework, help them to develop their organizational skills while you make sure that no homework was missed!

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    Anywhere you want!

    Remember, you will find it very attractive that tripod option comes with the set along with a light magnetic board make your set quite mobile. Move it anywhere you call it home or office

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 30 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by pmxboard Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
