1. Glass must be properly prepared as described.
2.KEY_TAB Apply the aquarium sealant to edge surface of the glass to be joined to the non-edge surface.KEY_TAB After application of the sealant, the assembled glass components should be tightly placed in a fixture or jig to allow sealant to flow evenly between joined surfaces and to give support during the internal sealing of the aquarium.
3.KEY_TAB Selected bead size appropriate for the size of aquarium being constructed.KEY_TAB Apply the sealant into the center of the joint formed by the sections of glass.KEY_TAB Tool the sealant immediately after application.KEY_TAB Any excess sealant should be removed before the sealant is cured by suing a clean cloth and a suitable solvent such as MEK (methyl ethyl Ketone), TCE (trichlorethylene) or alcohol.
Cured sealant can be trimmed with sharp blade.KEY_TAB Allow sealant to cure at least 7 to 10 days before adding water and fish.KEY_TAB This will ensure full cure and will allow the curing agent to totally dissipate.
The ASIKEY_TAB Aquarium SiliconeKEY_TAB Sealant can be used to repair old or damaged aquariums.
1.KEY_TAB Remove all of the damaged sealant, clean area to be repaired with a clean cloth and a suitable solvent.KEY_TAB Apply sealant as described above and tool.
2.KEY_TAB Check repaired aquarium for leaks before adding fish to tank.KEY_TAB Fill aquarium with water and let sit for several days and check for any signs or leakage.