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    Meet Your Seller

    12/16/19/22mm Waterproof Metal Push Button Switch LED Light Momentary Latching Car Engine Power Switch 5V 12V 24V 220V Red Blue

    • Good Quality

    Very important: Because of the virus,the Economic shipping is slow,If you need buttons hurry,please choose Alistandard shipping

    1.What does the signal "NC" and "NO" means?"A" "+": positive pole of the led

    LED" " - ": negative pole of the led

    NC ": Normal Close

    NO ": Normal Open

    C " : Common

    2.How to connect?1.Connect " NO " and " C " : The circuit is alway open unless press the button.

    2.Connect " NC " and " C " : The circuit is alway close unless press the button.

    Various logo patterns can be customized, please contact online customer service

    12mm wiring diagram

    Press the switch, the load is energized, and the LED lights at the same time.

    Press the switch again, the button is reset, the load is powered off, and the LED goes out.

    Turn on the power, the LED lights, press the switch, and the load is energized.

    Press the switch again, the button is reset, and the load is powered off.

    Turn off the power and the LED goes out.

    Press the switch, the load is energized, and the LED turns off

    Press the switch again, the button is reset, the load is powered off, and the LED lights at the same time.

    Press the switch, the load is powered off, and the LED turns off at the same time.

    Press the switch again, the button is reset, the load is energized, and the LED lights at the same time.

    Turn on the power and the LED lights up. Press the switch, the load is powered off.

    Press the switch again, the button is reset, and the load is energized. Turn off the power and the LED goes out.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
