A small component of a watercooling system that could possibly save you a lot of frustration, work and money. Should a pump suddenly stop work during operation, it could end in disaster if components overheat. With easily visible mounting, you can react quickly to pump stoppage or too much contamination in the system. The Alphacool flow indicator named “ Eisflü gel” does not only give indication of the waterflow, but is also a real eye-catcher.
The combination of acetal and plexiglass is a winning combination which fits seamlessly into any system.
Besides the two ¼ ” screw threads necessary for the water flow, Alphacool “ Eisflü gel” also has another screw thread on the upper side which can be used for many purposes: illumination, fill port, drain port, or as an angled piece - functionality is still guaranteed even if the upper thread is used as an outlet.
The fan with six blades inside is also made of plexiglass and the outer sides are marked in two different colours, blue and yellow. The side with the greater contrast can be chosen depending on the colour of the fluid.