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    Meet Your Seller

    Rechargeable Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor Automatic Blood Pressure Kit Bp Cuff Wrist Cuff Tonometer Profesional Heart Rate Monitor

    • 1.Smartly designed to facilitate easy, clear readings: blood pressure cuff features a large LCD display to allow for most accurate readings in less than 45 seconds
    • 2.Ultra-large storage capacity: 99 measurements allow you to keep track of your blood pressure prices. Compare the readings of the past days, so that you take steps to prevent unpleasant surprises
    • 3.User-friendly wrist bp machine: our automatic blood pressure device will give you clear accurate data in just 45 sec by pressing just one button
    • 4.Take your blood pressure kit anywhere: comes with a durable carrying case in the set. Complete blood pressure monitor kit for home and your travels
    • 5.Fully automatic blood pressure checker has advanced measuring techniques, to provide you the most accurate reading. Convenient to track your health every day.
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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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