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    Meet Your Seller

    TAKROL W-03 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Wrist Cuff for Home Use Voice BP Machine Digital BP Monitor with Large LCD Display

    • 1.High Accuracy& Easy To Use
    • 2.99 Memory Mode & Double Users Mode
    • 3.Voice Announcement
    • 4.Adjustable Cuff
    • 5.Fully Automatic Measurement
    Using Guide: 1. With the left wrist and palm up (The same using way of right wrist). 2. The distabce between the cuff and the palm is 0.5 - 1.0 cm (about one finger width). 3. Keep the monitor and your heart on the same level.
    Tips on receiving accurate results: 1. Take your reading and at the same time each day, use the same wrist. 2. Keep your feet positioned on the floor, and do not cross your feet. 3. Put the BP cuff on in the right place as per instructions, on your wrist, above your bone. The screen should be on the side your palm. 4. Please Keep quite and relax the body, do not talk during measure. While measuring in a row, please span 4-5 minutes. 5. Don't not touch main unit and wristband during measure. Package List (1) Blood Pressure Wrist Monitor (1) Portable Storage Box (1) Comprehensive Manual

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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