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    AMD Gift - Starfield Premium Edition Game Bundle [Online Game Code]

    • Offer is valid for North America, exclude Puerto Rico.
    • Game redeem portal requires hardware verification.
    • Limit one download code per customer - multiple codes cannot be redeemed by the same customer.
    • Purchase an eligible AMD Radeon graphics card to receive an AMD RADEON TOKEN CODE from participating retailer or e-tailer.
    • Product shipped to another region do not qualify.
    • Promotion Period: July 11, 2023 – Sep 30, 2023
    • Bundle Redemption Deadline: Oct 28, 2023
    Reviews (58)
    Verified Owner
    Ownership: less than 1 day
    Starfield included with 7900 XT7/31/2023 2:15:42 PM

    Pros: Free game pre-order from bethseda included with my gpu, do i need to say more?

    Cons: Can't think of any. Get to try Bethesdas Next big game for free!

    Overall Review: Pretty cool man, pretty cool.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: less than 1 day
    Looks amazing8/9/2023 8:04:06 PM

    Overall Review: Got this with my new 6700XT

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: less than 1 day
    Free with 6750xt Purchase8/10/2023 10:30:43 AM

    Overall Review: Cant go wrong with a GPU upgrade and free game to go along with it!

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    Fantastic game but a PITA to redeem through AMD.9/16/2023 4:49:55 PM

    Overall Review: Fantastic game but a PITA to redeem through AMD.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: less than 1 day
    Free 99 Game with purchase!8/18/2023 8:39:47 AM

    Pros: - Free - One of the most anticipated games

    Cons: - Not out yet

    Overall Review: - Get Starfield Premium for free when buying a RX 7900 XTX? Yes please. I can't wait to get this game when it comes out. Also if it works with FSR 3 when it releases, hopefully it'll give Nvidia a run for their money.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: less than 1 day
    Bethesda's newest release for free8/17/2023 10:24:51 AM

    Pros: It's a free game for no extra cost

    Cons: Genuinely none

    Overall Review: I was gonna upgrade to a 6700 xt anyway, the bundle just sweetened the deal

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 day to 1 week
    Best game I've played for years9/11/2023 10:45:35 AM

    Pros: Free with my new 7800XT

    Cons: No cons

    Overall Review: Great game, very immersive. Space version of Skyrim. Enjoying every minute. Be patient, the first few hours are slow and difficult, your first ship is terrible and your first weapons are useless. Read some online reviews, choose traits and background story well and this can make the first few hours easier. I was able to find the mantis ship early and this really helped with my space fights, but no spoilers here.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    Good but not great9/2/2023 8:08:31 AM

    Overall Review: Got as a gift to RX 6700 XT. Poor optimization compared to the level of graphics it offers. I hope they will improve performance in the future... But man, idk, there are few titles i would compare this game with - The Outer Worlds (I consider it has a lot more personality and charm), No Mans Sky (way way better space exploration), Cyberpunk 2077 (I'm near the end, and I consider it to be a lot more enjoyable and interesting, also it has good, relevant stories (A. I., augmentations deus ex vibe and themes, mature stories, funny moments, very good characters Silverhand etc.). So overall consider Starfield to be overhyped and poorly optimized, but this are not the main issues, the problem is that compared to previous titles (Oblivion, Fallout 3,4 Skyrim) they hooked you right from the start, this one feels soulless. Just my 2 cents.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 day to 1 week
    It's a borderline scam9/12/2023 6:13:09 PM

    Overall Review: I purchased a 6800 because it came with Starfield Premium Edition, but this didn't give me the code for the premium edition it gave me the code for the standard edition, which would be fine, if it wasn't advertised for the other. Moreover, when I tried to get the mistake corrected, all I got was "There is nothing we can do"

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: more than 1 year
    More hype than substance on release.2/27/2025 8:07:34 AM

    Pros: Excellent graphics.

    Cons: The plot line gets redundant after hitting the end and transitioning to another universe.

    Overall Review: Would not purchase again at original price.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: more than 1 year
    great game2/24/2025 12:13:10 PM

    Overall Review: would have been a cool game if it was more clear on how to redeem it

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 month to 1 year
    Average game2/23/2024 8:22:17 AM

    Overall Review: I redeemed the code fine. It's just an average game from Bethesda. Compared to there other classics, this one just doesn't inspire like there other games.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 month to 1 year
    Dissapointment1/28/2024 1:21:38 PM

    Overall Review: Trash game glad it was free but my family still paid the price

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 month to 1 year
    expired coupon as a gift with purchase is poor service1/12/2024 4:37:44 PM

    Overall Review: Coupon codes that last on 60 days is for the birds, won't even try the game now.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    It's a good card if you have the money10/19/2023 5:20:10 AM

    Pros: Really powerful Looks good

    Cons: A little bit of coil whine Puts out allot of heat

    Overall Review: I really like this card. After I had to fix the CMOS, it was really easy to do on my motherboard. It was the little battery that was causing my GPU to not display and give me an error message when I opened the Adrenaline PA-300 through my motherboard display, and the coil whine is not even bad enough to make me go further to fix it. I keep my games locked at 144 fps because I have a 144 Hz monitor, and the heat wasn't an issue for me. It's just something to mention. Overall, it's a really good card, and if you ever have that same issue, just look up how to restart the CMOS.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    Easy install10/16/2023 11:11:25 AM

    Pros: Super easy install, as soon as I booted my computer with the new graphics card, I followed the instruction on the AMD gift email and I started downloading the game in less than 5 minutes, flawless!

    Cons: No cons, easy as long as you follow instructions

    Overall Review: Instructions were clear and worked without hiccups.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    Dope game!10/8/2023 6:31:43 PM

    Pros: I like it!

    Cons: Might not be for you watch a few game reviews and game play to decide If it's for you.

    Overall Review: I think it's a pretty dope game. Watch some game play and multiple review videos because not everyone has the same opinions.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    Nice 'freebie' alongside an AMD graphics card10/8/2023 9:45:29 AM

    Overall Review: Not really my cup of tea so far, but it was included with the graphics card. I would not have purchased the game separately.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    GREAT10/6/2023 11:40:53 AM

    Overall Review: AWESOME

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 month to 1 year
    Free with GPU Purchase9/25/2023 11:31:29 PM

    Pros: This game is FREE with purchase of a GPU. Not to mention it's the premium version as well.

    Overall Review: Would recommend only if you're upgrading your GPU to play this game. It's basically the space version of Skyrim since it was developed by Bethesda.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    It's a Bethesda game.9/24/2023 2:24:04 PM

    Overall Review: If you like Bethesda games, you will like this one, It's definitely not doing anything to push gaming forward though.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    Easy Process - Thank You for the Steam Code for Starfield9/23/2023 4:25:55 PM

    Pros: - The process is easy. Just follow the instructions mailed to you from Newegg. - I had redeemed the code in less then 10 minutes - This is a Steam code so you will have a great library of mods.

    Cons: - No cons

    Overall Review: Thank you Newegg for making it easy!

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    Really Fun9/20/2023 1:59:37 AM

    Pros: Great Game to get lost in. The story is also not so serious that you cannot enjoy it.

    Cons: Sometimes the markers point in the wrong direction, and you run around lost.

    Overall Review: I would suggest trying this game out.

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: less than 1 day
    Great game9/19/2023 2:36:58 PM

    Overall Review: Great game

    Verified Owner
    Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
    Great9/18/2023 7:20:38 AM

    Pros: Everything worked smooth with getting the game code after I installed and registered the graphics card that it came with.

    Overall Review: The game is fun too. Not as buggy as Star Citizen but also not as details. Can't wait for more in depth mods.

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