Specifications: • Thermal Conductivity (W/mk): 8.5 • Viscosity (poise): 870 • Density (g/cm3): 2.5 • Net Weight: 8g • The ARCTIC MX-4 is a premium-grade thermal paste with exceptional performance and ease of application. It is an electrically non-conductive paste that is applied between CPU / GPU and designated coolers to transfer the dissipated heat from the components to the heat sink. Since the ARCTIC MX-4 is a metal-free compound, it eliminates the risks of causing short circuit and in turn adding more protection to your computer. The new formula in the ARCTIC MX-4 features optimal thermal conductivity and low thermal resistance. These characteristics effectively dissipate the emitted heat from the core components. The consistency of the ARCTIC MX-4 is designed for simple application. Its te...
Specifications: Average Particle Size: <0.36 microns <0.000015 inch (70 particles lined up in a row equal 1/1000th of an inch.)
Temperature limits: Peak: -150 Degrees C to >185 Degrees C Long-Term: -150 Degrees C to 130 Degrees C
Coverage Area: 25-gram syringes. (Approximately 9.2cc) At a layer 0.003" thick, one tube will cover about 200 square inches.
Important Reminder:
Due to the unique shapes and sizes of the particles in Ceramique 2, it will take a minimum of 25 hours and several thermal cycles to achieve maximum particle to particle thermal conduction and for the heatsink to CPU interface to reach maximum conductivity. (This period will be longer in a system without a fan on the heatsink.) On systems measuring actual internal core temperatures via the CPU's internal diode...