Fonts Included: Fonts: 5 x 7 / 7 x 7
Column Capacity: 35 / 42 columns
Character Size: 1.60 x 2.90 mm (W x H) / 1.30 x 2.90 mm (W x H); [0.06" x 0.11" / 0.05" x 0.11"]
Character Set: 95 Alphanumeric, 32 International, 128 x 3 Graphic
Characters per Inch: 13.5 cpi / 16.2 cpi
Media sizes supported: Media Dimensions: Slip: 80.00 to 182.00 x 69.00 to 257.00 mm (W x L) [3.15" to 7.17" x 272.00" to 10.12"]
Thickness: 0.09 to 0.35 mm [0.0035" to 0.0137"]