16.8 million color addressable RGB design, multiple color modes, so that you can be in the daytime Or where the lightsource is brighter, you can have the ultimate light effect experience. Let you have a more refreshing feeling in theprocess of gaming or work.(Only supports 5V 3PIN connection).
High power,compatible with all power supplies below 1000w, rgb cables pc kit making yourinstallation and use more convenient.Dazzling neon lights, light flowing like a waterfall, dazzling rainbow on the front of the main board.
Adding a light source line on the basis of one generation doubles the brightness and brighter colors Alows you to have the ultimate light efect experience even in thedaytime or in places with bright light sources. Cable mod match a 3PIN cable to connect the motherboard to synchronize the lights with the motherboard.
Easy instalation and good management-RGB cable extension provides a better solution for motherboard modication enthusiasts. These RGB sleeved cables can manageyour case wel. Moreover, the hard slica ge outside the wirigis upgraded to soft slica ge, the bent cable extension cord is easyto instal, saving installation time.