Return Processing Fee
The Return Processing Fee applies to customers only when a return shipping label is issued. Depending on the return requirements, customers may receive a free return shipping label to ship the return products to the Newegg Return Center.
Sellers who offer free returns on their products increase consumer confidence and worry free purchasing. When a customer receives a free return shipping label, the seller will incur a fee for each unit returned and processed by the Newegg Return Service. This fee is equivalent to the total fulfillment fee (Order Handling + Pick & Pack + Weight Handling + Shipping Charge) for an individually shipped item using the SBN rate card. The fee will apply to all customer returns in which Newegg authorizes a free return shipping label. In the case of a damaged or lost return package, Newegg will assume all liability and responsibility and no fees will apply to you.
When calculating the Returns Processing Fee, we assume a single product unit per shipment. In addition, any products eligible for Zero Fee Fulfillment are still subject to the Returns Processing Fee.