Humanity has been driven from the Earth by mechanical beings from another world. In a final effort to take back the planet, the human resistance sends a force of android soldiers to destroy the invaders. Now, a war between machines and androids rages on... A war that could soon unveil a long-forgotten truth of the world.
Developed by an all-star team consisting of producer Yosuke Saito (Dragon Quest X and NieR), director Yoko Taro (Drakengard and NieR), character designer Akihiko Yoshida from CyDesignation, Inc. (Final Fantasy XIV and Bravely Default), game designer Takahisa Taura from PlatinumGames Inc. (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance), and composer Keiichi Okabe from MONACA, Inc. (Tekken, Drakengard 3 and NieR).
The NieR:Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition comes packed with DLC and bonus content for the full experience of the award-winning post-apocalyptic action RPG, including:
- 3C3C1D119440927 DLC*
- Play System Pod Skin
- Cardboard Pod Skin
- Retro Grey Pod Skin
- Retro Red Pod Skin
- Grimoire Weiss Pod
- Amazarashi Head Pod Skin
- Machine Mask Accessory
- PS4 Dynamic Theme
- Set of PS4 Avatars
To enjoy this content you will need to have progressed a certain way into the main story of the game. There are also some scenes during the progression of the main game scenario in which this content cannot be accessed.
Action-Packed Battles
Players will switch between using melee and ranged attacks in battle against hordes of enemies and challenging bosses across a variety of open-field maps. The tight controls and incredibly fluid combat are simple to learn for newcomers while offering plenty of depth for more experienced action gamers. Players can perform high-speed battle actions—combining light and heavy attacks—switching through an arsenal of weaponry while evading enemies with speed and style.
Beautifully Desolate Open-World
The game seamlessly joins together hauntingly beautiful vistas and locations with no area loading. The environments are rendered in 60fps and contain a wealth of sub-events in addition to the main storyline.
Masterfully Crafted Story and Characters
NieR: Automata tells the story of androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their ferocious battle to reclaim a machine-driven dystopia overrun by powerful weapons known as machine lifeforms.
Elements of an RPG
Players will obtain a variety of weapon types, level up in battle, learn new combat skills and customize a loadout that caters to their playstyle.
Utilize the Pod Support System to Assist In and Outside of Battle
Pods can attack the enemy in both manual and lock-on modes. They can also assist outside of battle, such as allowing the player to glide through the air. Pods can be enhanced throughout the game, with upgrades including new attack methods and variations.
“Auto Mode” Available for Beginners
Novice players can elect “Auto Mode” for easy attacks and evasions.