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    Meet Your Seller

    Antronix High Performance 4-Way Coaxial Cable TV Splitter CMC2004H-A OTA 5-1002M

    • 6 kV Ring Wave Surge Withstand All ports withstand multiple 6 kV ring wave surges per IEEE specification C62.41 Category A3.
    • Digital Broadcast and HDTV Ready Compatible with existing and future networks.
    • Flat 1 GHz Bandwidth with Minimal Insertion Loss Supports present and future multimedia applications including video, data and telephony.
    • High Return Path Output Return Loss and Port-to-Port Return Band Isolation Excellent return path performance compatible with two-way digitally modulated networks.
    • Eclipse Contact Technology (ECT) F-port Provides 400% more contact surface area for lower contact resistance and higher reliability. Capacitively Coupled F-ports Protects against core re-magnetization and saturation while blocking AC surges.

    Antronix CMC2004H-A 4 Way Splitter

    Antronix digital splitters are premium-grade passives designed specifically for two-way multimedia communications. Our low inter-modulation design and excellent optimized return band isolation prevents high cable modem signals from affecting forward band transmissions. Our CMC2000 series digital splitters are ideal for present and future transmission technologies, and various media such as telephony, voice, and transmission sensitive higher order modulation schemes such as QPSK and QAM.

    Reliability, quality and performance define the Antronix CMC2000 series digital splitter. Our horizontal, vertical and universal digital splitters have been designed specifically for today’s two-way broadband networks and the CMC2000Us are ideal for Network Interface Device (NID) box installations. Our digital splitters are among the most robust in the industry. Every port on each CMC2000 series splitter withstands multiple 6 kV ring wave surges, while our proprietary ferrites remain ultra-linear following several surges.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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