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    Meet Your Seller

    HanTek Digital Oscilloscope DSO2C15 USB Oscilloscope, Multimeter Tester, 2-Channel 100Mhz/150Mhz Storage DSO2D10 DSO2C10 DSO2D15

    • Features:
    • 1) 2 channels, both channels are controlled by independent knobs.
    • 2) 100 MHZ, 150 MHZ analog channel bandwidth.
    • 3) 1 GSa/s real time sampling rate.
    • 4) 8M memory depth.
    • 5) Vertical range 2mV/grid ~ 10V/grid.
    • 6) Built-in 1 channel 5MHz waveform generator.
    • 7) Vertical resolution: 8 bits.
    • 8) Trigger: edge, pulse width, video, slope, timeout, window, mode, interval, delay, UART, LIN, CAN, SPI, IIC.
    • 9) CAN decoding and protocol analysis: RS232/UART, I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN (RF)
    • 10) Can be saved in various data formats such as settings, waveforms, reference waveforms, CSV, pictures.
    • 11) 5-bit digital voltmeter and 6-bit hardware frequency indicator function.
    • 12) 32 kinds of automatic measurement statistics, real-time statistics of maximum value, minimum value, standard deviation, etc..
    • (13) 2 sets of digital voltmeters.
    • 14) Support threshold test, free measurement in the screen.
    • 15) Rich SCPI remote command and control.
    • 16) Many external interfaces: USB host/device.

    1) 2 channels, both channels are controlled by independent knobs.

    2) 100 MHZ, 150 MHZ analog channel bandwidth.

    3) 1 GSa/s real time sampling rate.

    4) 8M memory depth.

    5) Vertical range 2mV/grid ~ 10V/grid.

    6) Built-in 1 channel 5MHz waveform generator.

    7) Vertical resolution: 8 bits.

    8) Trigger: edge, pulse width, video, slope, timeout, window, mode, interval, delay, UART, LIN, CAN, SPI, IIC.

    9) CAN decoding and protocol analysis: RS232/UART, I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN (RF)

    10) Can be saved in various data formats such as settings, waveforms, reference waveforms, CSV, pictures.

    11) 5-bit digital voltmeter and 6-bit hardware frequency indicator function.

    12) 32 kinds of automatic measurement statistics, real-time statistics of maximum value, minimum value, standard deviation, etc..

    (13) 2 sets of digital voltmeters.

    14) Support threshold test, free measurement in the screen.

    15) Rich SCPI remote command and control.

    16) Many external interfaces: USB host/device.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 30 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by MIQIA Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
