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    Meet Your Seller

    Hewlett-Packard E-MSM460 (J9590A) Dual Radio 802.11n AP (AM)

    • Americas: 2.412 - 2.462 GHz (1 - 11 channels) 5.180 - 5.240 GHz (36 - 48 channels) 5.260 - 5.320 GHz (52 - 64 channels) 5.500 - 5.700 GHz (100 - 140 (excluding 120, 124 and 128) channels) 5.745 - 5.825 GHz (149 - 165 channels) European Union: 2.412 - 2.472 GHz (1 - 13 channels) 5.180 - 5.240 GHz (36 - 48 channels) 5.260 - 5.320 GHz (52 - 64 channels) 5.500 - 5.700 GHz (100 - 140 channels) Rest of World (Actual channels designated by selecting country in UI): 2.412 - 2.472 GHz (1 - 13 channels) 5.180 - 5.240 GHz (36 - 48 channels) 5.260 - 5.320 GHz (52 - 64 channels) 5.500 - 5.700 GHz (100 - 140 channels) 5.745 - 5.825 GHz (149 - 165 channels)
    Reviews (1)
    Working in unison with HP MSM controllers, the HP MSM MSM-802.11n Dual Radio Access Point Series delivers high-performance networking solutions. The enhanced controller architecture scales to IEEE 802.11n without requiring a controller replacement. The MSM controller provides advanced radio resource management (RRM), including client load balancing and interference mitigation. The MSM wireless controllers support a fast-roaming capability, an important feature, especially for VoIP communications.

    The access points can be used in managed as well as autonomous mode without a controller. The access points provide RF Spectrum Analysis with detection and classification of non-IEEE 802.11 interference and have the ability to automatically avoid interference.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
    • Read full details

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Optdex Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
