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    Meet Your Seller

    Holland Electronics SBD SUB-BAND CATV Seperator/Joiner

    • Sub Band Diplexer is a high performance diplexer with outstanding specifications. It separates or combines off-air TV-Antenna and Satellite signals from or onto a single feed coaxial line.
    • You will need one of these at each end of the cable. One to combine the signals on one side and the other to split the signal at the other end.
    • 40-2250 MHz with 75OHM terminators insert off-air signals into four outputs of Phase III LNBFs. Use this diplexer to connect your off air antenna to a 1820DISH
    • Use to receive local HDTV digital channels .This creates a single line installation
    • Minimizes off-air analog signal loss

    Allows one-way amplifiers to become two-way. Separates return signals (sub-bands) on head-ends and provides low loss sub-band signal insertion in the distribution system or at the head-end.

    Warranty & Returns

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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