In the popular animation series Batman: Beyond, Terry McGinnis becomes the Caped Crusader in a futuristic Gotham City as Bruce Wayne has retired from crime fighting. Under Bruces guidance and training, the technologically-inclined Batsuit provides Terry the strength and skills needed to handle the challenge he faces as the Batman of the future!
Today, Hot Toys is thrilled to unveil the latest 1/6th scale collectible figure of the stylish Batman Beyond suit based on the critically acclaimed
Batman: Arkham Knight video game which has taken inspiration from the great animation series.
The figure is masterfully crafted based on the Batman Beyond suit from the
Batman: Arkham Knight video game, featuring a newly painted masked head sculpt with two interchangeable lower faces, a cutting-edge Batsuit overall appearance in metallic grey with battle damage and a bright red bat symbol on chest, a finely tailored black batcape to create dynamic flying poses, an array of detailed Batmans signature gadgets including Batman Beyond style Batarang, grapnel, disruptor, REC gun, freeze grenade and many more!
Become the Batman of the future by adding this incredible 1/6th scale collectible to your
Batman: Arkham Knight collection!
The 1/6th scale Batman Beyond Collectible Figures special features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Batman wearing Batman Beyond Batsuit in
Batman: Arkham Knight video game
- One (1) Batman head with patented Interchangeable Faces Technique (IFT) and two (2) interchangeable black colored lower part of faces capturing Batman's facial expressions (masked and neutral)
- Approximately 33cm tall (Approximately 35cm tall measuring to tips of cowl)
- Specialized muscular body with over 30 points of articulations
- Eight (8) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of relax hands
- One (1) pair of hands for holding Batarang
- One (1) pair of hands for holding weapons or accessories
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) wonderfully crafted multi-layer and multi-texture Batsuit with a metallic red colored Batman logo on the chest armor as well as metallic grey colored armor plating and battle damage throughout the body
- One (1) black colored batcape (with bendable wire)
- One (1) utility belt
- One (1) pair of black gauntlets
- One (1) pair of black boots
Weapons and Gadgets:
- Two (2) Batarangs
- One (1) Batman Beyond style Batarang
- One (1) grapnel gun with interchangeable Batclaw and interchangeable part to become a remote electrical charge gun
- One (1) explosive gel
- One (1) disruptor gun
- One (1) pistol
- One (1) freeze grenade
- One (1) line launcher
- Specially designed dynamic figure stand with game logo
- Head Sculpted by Yeon-sun, Jeon
- Head Painted by JC. Hong
- Head Art Directed by JC. Hong
Release date: Approximately Q4, 2020 Q1, 2021
** Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
** Product details could be subjected to change without further notice
BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT and all related characters and elements? &? DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s20)
? 2020 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.