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    ICY DOCK MB153SP-B | 3 x 2.5"/3.5" SATA/SAS Hard Drive Backplane Cage in 2X External 5.25" Bay | FatCage

    • 3 Bay
    • 5 Bay
    • Fits three 3.5" SATA I / II / III (SATA 6Gbps) hard drives in two external 5.25" bay. & fully supports SATA Hot-Swap function.
    • 80mm cooling fan with full metal body for excellent heat dissipation for the most intense applications.
    • Supports SATA 3.0 up to 6Gbps / SAS 3.0 up to 12Gbps
    • Large 92mm cooling fan with full metal body for excellent heat dissipation for the most intense applications.
    • Uses SATA 15 power ports for best compatibility with the newest power supplies
    Reviews (50)
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    Slimmed Down Design

    The MB153SP-B has been redesigned to be a lighter module, while maintaining the same level of quality, build and service you'd expect from an Icy Dock product. While the design has gone through some changes, the space saving design is still established. The backplane module allows up to 3 x 3.5" SATA III hard drives, while only consuming two external 5.25" bays. The module has also been redesigned for the type of power connector accepted. 15 pin SATA power is used to provide better accessibility for various host systems. 

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    Efficient Cooling

    Along with being a lighter package, the cooling has been improved to provide better air flow to your hard drives. The MB153SP-B uses a full metal body that allows for the best heat dissipation possible in various types of applications. In addition, our enhanced direct air flow design allows the included cooling fan to raise its efficiency to cool down your hard drives, by closing and rerouting any side vents to route incoming air directly to the cooling fan, as well as sealing any vents around the fan for better cooling efficiency. In addition, the backplane logic PCB has larger vents in key areas to allow more air to flow into and exit the MB153SP-B, making it an ideal system to store and cool your hard drives.

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    Interchangeable EZ-Tray System

    The MB153SP-B uses an interchangeable EZ-Tray drive tray that is compatible with FatCage and DataCage enclosures include DataCage MB876SK-B (1x Drive), Fatcage MB901SPR (2x Drive HW RAID 1), and MB155SP-B (5x Drive). This allows you to continue using the same trays from these enclosures and exchange drives between systems without unmounting the drive from the tray. 

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
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    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Amify Return Policy

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