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    Meet Your Seller

    USB Bluetooth 5.3 Adapter for PC Supports Windows 11/10/8.1/7, Plug &Play For Win11/10, Mini Bluetooth 5.3+ EDR Bluetooth Dongle Receiver &Transmitter for PC,Laptop,Keyboard,Mouse,Headsets,Speakers

    • For Windows 11, 10, and 8.1, it's usually a plug-and-play experienceno drivers needed. While Windows 7 need manual driver installation, most systems follow the plug-and-play approach. If your system doesn't automatically recognize the adapter, you can manually install the driver to assist detection. If your computer lacks a CD-ROM drive, you can obtain the Bluetooth driver: dropbox(dot) com/s/3ktdqbq7egr50ee/Rtl5.3%20Driver. zip?dl=0
    • Powered by Taiwan's Realtek 5.3 chip, in full compliance with Bluetooth 5.3 specifications, offering dual-mode low-power transmission.
    • Experience extended transmission distances: Reach up to 10-20 meters with an ultra-long, unobstructed signal range.
    • Enjoy heightened transmission rates: Achieve a swift 3Mbps data transmission, ideal for high-speed file and audio transfers.
    • Embrace ultra-low latency for lightning-fast connections, coupled with intelligent sleep and wake functions for energy efficiency.
    USB Bluetooth 5.3 Adapter
    USB Bluetooth 5.3 Adapter
    USB Bluetooth 5.3 Adapter
    Experience extended transmission distances

    Reach up to 10-20 meters with an ultra-long, unobstructed signal range.

    USB Bluetooth 5.3 Adapter
    Bluetooth 5.3 Adapter

    Powered by Taiwan's Realtek 5.3 chip, in full compliance with Bluetooth 5.3 specifications, offering dual-mode low-power transmission.

    USB Bluetooth 5.3 Adapter
    High Compatibility

    USB Bluetooth Adapter 5.3 works with Windows 10/11/8.1/7. Besides, it can make full use of the bandwidth to connect multiple Bluetooth devices at the same time, such as Bluetooth headset, speaker, mouse, keyboard, mobile phone. Works with up to 7 devices simultaneously.

    bt5.3 adapter

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Amify Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
