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    Meet Your Seller

    Intermec CN70AQ3KCF2W6100 Series CN70 Ultra-Rugged Mobile Computer, QWERTY, EA30, Camera, Flex Net, NA, Window Embedded Handheld FlexNet (Gobi), WWE, Smart Systems

    • Intermec CN70AQ3KCF2W6100 Series CN70 Ultra-Rugged Mobile Computer, QWERTY, EA30, Camera, Flex Net, NA, Window Embedded Handheld FlexNet (Gobi), WWE, Smart Systems
    The Intermec CN70 is engineered to be at home in demanding environments, where its industry-leading performance, incredible durability and low power consumption can actually reduce overhead. Its superior scanning performance and improved ergonomics lead to increased efficiency, while its extensive communication ability meets the needs of field workers.


    The no-compromise design of the CN70 includes an all-light visible VGA display, high durability touch panel and indestructible keypad technology to ensure that they stay in workers' hands instead of the repair depot. The CN70 also features a 3.75G WWAN and first-in-market dual-band 802.11 n WLAN radios that provide mobile workers with high-performance connectivity inside and outside the four walls.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
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