Jinsha X79-P ATX Motherboard
For Budget-Conscious Power Users
Install top-quality components to let your system fly through all your arduous computing tasks and outshine competitors with a unique color scheme. It offers you a price that will make you smile big.
Support for beast components
Intel Xeon E5-2697V2 or 2680V2 Processor + 32GB DDR3 RAM in Quad Channel + AMD CrossFire + M.2 SSD for demanding streaming, video editing, 3D rendering and more.
Black and pale green color scheme
It is easy to add a fresh and premium look to your build. All of your components will be on full display in a unique term.
All the right connections
Two USB 3.0 + six USB 2.0 + six Audio Ports + RJ45 Ethernet Port + two PS/2