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    1/6 scale marvel iron man 2 whiplash mms exclusive hot toys 906325

    • 1/6 scale marvel iron man 2 whiplash mms exclusive hot toys 906325
    He is the armor-clad, energy, whip-wielding specialist, Whiplash! The most loved villain ever battled in Iron Man 2. Recreating an Arc Reactor based on his father's design and building armor similar to the Iron Man's, Whiplash has terrified Tony Stark at the Monaco racing track. The movie-accurate figure is skillfully crafted based on Mickey Rourke's portrayal of Whiplash/Ivan Vanko, Iron Man's enemy in the movie, features a newly painted head sculpt with detailed hair sculpture, remarkable patterned tattoos on upper body, LED light-up Arc Reactor on the chest and back, a finely tailored costume with burnt marks, Whiplash? s deadly electrified whips and electric effects, as well as a specially designed diorama figure stand.

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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