In The Dark Knight Rises, the epic conclusion to the Batman Trilogy by Christopher Nolan, Batman was presented an all new aircraft by Lucius Fox. During last years exhibitions, Hot Toys has showcased the prototype of the 1/12th scale The Bat and fans were already eager for the official reveal of this amazing collectible!
To celebrate Batmans 75th anniversary, Hot Toys is excited to officially introduce the 1/12th scale The Bat Deluxe Collectible Set to our new MMS Compact Series and it is highly detailed and specially crafted based on the film. In addition to featuring finely sculpted aircraft structure, remote controlled LED light up and propellers spinning functions, and 1/12th scale Batman Collectible Figure, this Deluxe Set will also include a 1/12th scale Selina Kyle Collectible Figure and the fusion reactor Talia al Ghul planned to use to destroy Gotham. Batman fanatics dont miss out on pre-ordering this remarkable collectible set!
The 1/12th scale The Bat Deluxe Collectible Set specially features:
- Authentically detailed 1/12th scale The Bat in The Dark Knight Rises
- Approximately 75cm L x 41.5 cm W x 26.3 cm H
- Six (6) front LED lights
- Six (6) LED lights in the middle of aircraft
- Two (2) LED light up back engines
- Functional cockpit door
- Two (2) seaters
- Moveable front dual rotors
- Rotatable underside propellers
- Articulated flaps at the back
- Two (2) machine guns
- Two (2) side panel rocket launchers
- Remote control for LED light-up and propellers spinning functions
1/12th scale Collectible Figures:
- One (1) Batman Collectible Figure
- One (1) Selina Kyle (Catwoman) Collectible Figure
- One (1) fusion reactor
- One (1) set of collectible stands for The Bat
Release date: Q3-Q4, 2015
**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice
**Battery not included for collectible, 3A batteries required
TM & © DC Comics.
WB SHIELD: TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
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