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    Meet Your Seller

    6ml Metallic Mirror Nail Gel Polish Wire Drawing Painting Gel Lacquer UV or LED Lamp Soak Off Nail Art Edge Varnish Glue CH776-1

    • Good Quality

    Specification:Capacity: 6ml

    Color: Gold/Silver/Rose Gold/Bronze/Mirror Blue/Purple

    Type: 3D Line Spider Nail Gel

    Designs: Metallic Mirror Painting

    Package Contents:

    1 Bottle Mirror Nail Gel


    100% new retail and high quality

    Suitable to apply on UV gel nails, acrylic nails, and natural nails etc.

    Help strengthen your nails with a durable shiny coat

    Perfect for both professional use and personal use

    Effect Popular Silver Color

    Mirror Effect Nail Gel Polish

    Q & A

    Q:How to use?A:1: Clean Nails then trim nail surface as normal manicure process.

    2: Fully shake up the gel, it can make the gel color be balanced. (Important)

    3: Apply a thin layer of Base Coat and cure under nail lamp (UV 36 Watts/LED 9 Watts or higher, UV lamp for 2-3 minutes or LED lamp for 60 seconds).

    4: Apply the 1st layer of gel and cure.

    5: Apply the 2nd layer of gel and cure. (Apply the 3rd layer if necessary. )

    6: Apply No Wipe Top Coat and cure again.

    Q:Is there any added adhesive?A:No adhesive, excellent to real liquid metal, it is necessary to apply top finish, and the top eats shine. It as Mercury of Terminator.

    Q:Can it be dried naturally?A:Need UV light to illuminate

    Q:What happens when the gel leaks frequently?A:We are improving the design packaging to prevent leakage. If there is leakage, please contact us to solve it for you.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
