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    Meet Your Seller

    Art Set 36W UV LED LAMP for Manicure Gel polish Set Kit Gel Varnish Manicure Sets Art Tools

    • Good Quality

    Choose from 5 different packages in the picture, packing list

    Package A brush * 1 / Sponge file strip * 2 / Dead skin fork * 1 / Large steel push * 1 / semi-convex file strip * 1 / polishing strip * 1 / gold and silver wire * 5 / removal package * 8 pieces / toe splitter * 1 pair / polish * 004,005 / base coat * 1 / top coat / remover * 1

    Package B brush * 1 / Sponge file strip * 2 / Dead skin fork * 1 / Large steel push * 1 / semi-convex file strip * 1 / polishing strip * 2 / gold and silver wire * 5 / removal package * 8 pieces / toe splitter * 1 pair / polish * 004,005 / base coat * 1 / top coat / remover * 1 / matt top coat*1 / lamp*1

    Package C brush * 1 / Sponge file strip * 2 / Dead skin fork * 1 / Large steel push * 1 / semi-convex file strip * 1 / polishing strip * 2 / gold and silver wire * 5 / removal package * 8 pieces / toe splitter * 1 pair / polish * 039,034,035,045,051 / base coat * 1 / top coat / remover * 1 / matt top coat *1 / Dead skin clamp*1 / Anti-overflow glue*1 / fiber*10pcs / extension glue*1

    Package D brush * 1 / Sponge file strip * 2 / Dead skin fork * 1 / Large steel push * 1 / semi-convex file strip * 1 / polishing strip * 2 / gold and silver wire * 5 / removal package * 8 pieces / toe splitter * 1 pair / polish * 002,004,008,019,028,037 / base coat * 1 / top coat / remover * 1 / matt top coat *1 / Dead skin clamp*1 / Anti-overflow glue*1 / fiber*10pcs / extension glue*1

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
