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    Meet Your Seller

    Gel Nail Polish Varnishes Pure Color Semi Permanent Base top Need UV LED lamp Manicure Paint Hybrid nails gel polish

    • Good Quality

    8ML Gel Polish Pure Colors Nail Varnish Needed UV Lamp 1PCS Soak Off Semi Permanent Gel Designed For Manicure Beauty 

    Stock Quantity:10000PCS

    Materials: UV Curable Resin

    Cure Tools:UV lamp, LED lamp

    Needed: Top Base Coat

    Volume: 8ML

    Certification: MSDS, SG

    Steps for you to do manicure at home by yourself

    1. Shape the nail. Lightly buff the surface of the nail

    2. Apply a thin coat of foundation from the cuticle to the free edge (Remember to seal the edge of the nail).

    Cure the nails under the LED light for 10 seconds or a UV light for 2 minutes.

    3. Apply a thin coat of Soak-Off Gel Polish color coat.

    Cure the nails under the LED light for 10 seconds or a UV light for 2 minutes.

    Repeat Step 3 if color is not bright enough)

    4. Apply a thin coat of Top It Off. Cap free edge.

    Cure the nails under the LED light for 10 seconds or a UV light for 2 minutes.

    5. Remove the tacky residue on nails with the cleanser.

    Steps To Remove:

    1. Soak off the nails into acrylic remover for about 5 minutes,

    2. Rip down the whole piece of nail enamel gently on each nail.

    Kindly reminder:

    1. The net weight is 8ML. But the capacity of the bottle is more than 8ML, Gel will not be fully filled in the bottle!

    2. Keep tightly sealed, keep out of sunlight, keep out of reach of children.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
