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    Meet Your Seller

    DOLL10 Pcs/Set Glitter Color Nail Gel Polish Set LED Semi Permanent UV Lamp Top Base Coat Soak Off Nail Art Set

    • Good Quality


    Quantity: 10 Bottle

    Capacity: Approx. 8ml

    Color: All 90 Colors

    Package Contents:

    10 Bottle MD DOLL 8ml Gel Nail Polish


    100% new retail and high quality.

    Suitable to apply on UV gel nails, acrylic nails and natural nails etc.

    Help strengthen your nails with a durable shiny coat.

    Perfect for both professional use and personal use.

    Professional usage:

    Step 1. Clean Nails then nail surface as normal process.

    Step 2. Fully shake up the gel polish, it can make the gel polish color balanced. (Important)

    Step 3. Apply Base coat first, which can make polish lasting longer, cure with UV lamp or LED lamp. (Necessary)

    Step 4. Apply first layer of color gel polish directly, cure with UV lamp for 2 minutes or cure with LED lamp for 60 seconds.

    Step 5. Apply second layer of color gel polish and then immediately cure with UV lamp for 2 minutes or cure with LED lamp for 60 seconds.

    Step 6. Coat with no wipe topcoat, cured by UV lamp or LED lamp.

    How to Remove UV Gel Nail Polish:

    Soak nails in a glass bowl filled with a small amount of acetone, or wrap each nail in cotton pad soaked with acetone for around 5 to 10 minutes.

    Product will start to become soft and you can gently file it away or slide it off using a small wooden stick

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
