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    Meet Your Seller

    Elk ELK-45 Self-Contained Electronic Siren

    • Elk ELK 45
    The ELK-45 is a loud self-contained electronic siren in a compact and attractive housing. This siren draws less current than many competitive units and features the ability to produce two distinct sounds from a single input trigger. The ComboTrigger option allows controls which have a single alarm output and pulsing option to activate both the burglar and fire alarm sounds. The ELK-45s removable "U" shaped mounting bracket makes installation quick and simple. It™ s small and compact size allows it to be placed in vents, attic eaves and soffits, and other unique locations where large and bulky units will not fit.

    Also available is the ELK-150RT which is the selfcontained siren in a stainless steel enclosure.
    Specifications: Operating
    Voltage: 6 to 14 Volts D. C.
    Current Draw: 1.2 Amps
    Sound Level: 118 dB @ 1 meter, 14 Volts D. C.
    Size: 4" x 4" x 3.5", Depth 4".

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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