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    Meet Your Seller

    23mm camera long spring 20/30/40/50 Sewer Pipe Inspection Camera System 7"monitor zoom 10levels 8G gift DVR max 256G

    • Good Quality

    23mm camera long spring 20/30/40/50 Sewer Pipe Inspection Camera System 7"monitor zoom 10levels 8G gift DVR max 256G

    Heating & A/C (air conditioner) ducts.

    Close dryer vents.

    Inside walls, under floors, attics, gutters and roof eves for mold and water damage.

    Hard to reach locations such as tree limbs for owl and bird nests.

    Law enforcement to inspect under cars and trucks, inside shipping containers and trailers.

    Law enforcement to inspect under ships and in ships hatches and holes.

    Aircraft industries to inspect wings and cavities, (at your own risk).

    Used by chimney sweeps to inspect chimneys and flues.

    Used by plumbers to inspect water supply tanks, pipes, leach lines, septic tanks and sewers.

    Down wells and inside well casing's.

    Used to observe and count fish.

    Used underwater in sports activities.

    Used to document the condition and damage of dams, bridges and monuments.

    Used with automatic assembly lines to keep watch of key operations at one control point.

    Used with stamping or machining steps to be sure of alignment of key parts.

    Used as a navigation aid for boats and ships in troubled waters.

    Used under recreational boats to find submerged objects.

    Used down gopher holes to look for vermin, snakes and insects.

    Steam radiator heat transfer tubes.

    Mining operations and boring holes.

    Used to inspect many hard to reach locations including the back of your own head


    New Model, Much better quality than other models

    Stronger Cable than others

    Stainless Steel Camera 23mm Diameter More Flexible

    View Angle 105 Degree 

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
