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    720P HD Handheld 5.5mm 1M 3M Flex Endoscope Camera 4.3" LCD Monitor LED Flashlight Snake Tube Pipe Inspection Borescope

    • Good Quality

    720P HD Handheld 5.5mm 1M 3M Flex Endoscope Camera 4.3" LCD Monitor LED Flashlight Snake Tube Pipe Inspection Borescope 

    New Arrival 


    1. Please do understand the application of an endoscope camera before you place order which is not a video surveillance camera. The endoscope camera is not for far distance view. Please make sure an endoscope camera is what you really need. 

    2. In April 2019, the previous 3.5" 5.5mm/8.2mm endoscope cameras are discontinued and upgraded to 4.3" 3.9mm/5.5mm/7.6mm/8mm models with rechargeable battery built in.


    The new digital video endoscope (1M/3M/5M) is a portable, hand-held and multi-functional state-of-the-art inspection system, featuring a 4.3 full color LCD display with powerful recording capability. It is available to capture images (JPG) up to 2.0 megapixel or videos (AVI) up to 1.0 megapixel 720P into TF card or onto computer. The endoscope comes with a slim 3.9/5.5/7.6/8mm diameter flex including 6pcs adjustable LED. High light sensitivity image sensor is adopted in the camera module achieve high performance in image quality and low illumination. Besides, 1W CREE flash light is built in as auxiliary lighting for working in darkness. 

    With ergonomic and robust design, users are able to operate all function keys in one hand very conveniently, and with the adjustable handle, they can operate it very comfortably. In addition, stainless steel shield and overall reinforced structure ensure it is strong and durable for heavy duty use.


    4.3-inch 480x272 QVGA Color LCD display 

    Flex cable length 1M (3.28ft)/3M (13.10ft) optional (Please select from above options to place order)

    Video record up to 720P 1.0MP (1280x720) 

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
