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    Meet Your Seller

    Cervical Neck Traction Device

    • Neck Stretcher Support - Improve Posture - Designed To Assist With Back, Spine And Shoulder Tension - Helps to Support Your Neck - Easily Transportable
    Cervical Neck Traction Device Neck Stretcher Support - Improve Posture - Designed To Assist With Back, Spine And Shoulder Tension - Helps to Support Your Neck - Easily Transportable

    This traction device supports the neck while elevating the jawbone. This creates optimal spine alignment, which relieves tension in your nerves. Many people experience back, spine, and shoulder pain relief and spasm relief.
    No matter where you are on stiff days, experience spinal traction at home or on the go.
    Its soft, lightweight, and small enough to fit in your suitcase, purse, car, or backpack.
    Adjustable so you can control the amount of air for a comfortable spinal stretch to relax your neck and shoulders.
    Should fit comfortably up to 17.5 neck size.
    Provides fast neck pain relief, and faster recovery from neck injuries, without the need for medications or surgery.
    The cervical traction device helps by increasing blood circulation to the structures of the cervical spine, helping to oxygenate muscles, nerves, tendons, thus decreasing pain and promoting relaxation.
    Keeps your neck in a perfect posture allowing it to heal and prevent further neck injury and pain.
    Fabric: Flocked Cloth Inside
    Material: PVC
    Size: 22cm x 25cm x 20cm
    Colour: Black, Navy

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 30 days
    • Return for replacement within: 90 days
    • This item is covered by ICB Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
