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    onefavor Kingston TF card 2G mobile phone memory card audio MP3 player MicroSD memory card 2GB(Second-hand )and SanDisk SD Adapter

    REFURBISHED Product Type
    • Currently mainly used in smart phones and multimedia phones, compatible with TF card-compatible devices and some factory tests (mobile phones, digital cameras, digital cameras, digital photo frames, PDAs, etc.)
    Kingston TF card 2G mobile phone memory card audio MP3 player MicroSD memory card 2GB and SanDisk SD Adapter (Second-hand 90% new) Second-hand Bulk bare card wholesale without packaging Original stock disassembled bare card, no packaging, with transparent protective box, good condition. Second-hand. Because this product is disassembled and second-hand, it is normal to have a little scratch or glue on the surface. If you mind, don't buy it, thank you. Scope of application Currently mainly used in smart phones and multimedia phones, compatible with TF card-compatible devices and some factory tests (mobile phones, digital cameras, digital cameras, digital photo frames, PDAs, etc.


    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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