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    Meet Your Seller

    300mbps Wireless-N Repeater WIFI Router 802.11N/B/G Signal Antennas Boosters Extend Amplifier Repeater US/EU Range Expander

    • Good Quality
    300mbps Wireless-N Repeater WIFI Router 802.11N/B/G Signal Antennas Boosters Extend Amplifier Repeater US/EU Range Expander


    WLAN access point/client according to IEEE 802.11n/g/b.

    110 ~ 230-volt socket.

    The WLAN client must support at least the WPA encryption standard.

    WLAN access point and the WLAN client with automatic IP address assignment(DHCP).

    Forwarding of IPv4-based protocols/Address Resolution Protocol.

    The network name (SSID) of the WLAN access point must be set to "visible".



    Standard IEEE802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n

    Modulation 802.11b: DSSS / BPSK / QPSK / CCK

    802.11g: OFDM / DSSS / BPSK / QPSK / CCK

    802.11n: OFDM / DSSS / BPSK / QPSK / CCK

    Speed 802.11b: 11Mbps

    802.11g: 54Mbps

    802.11n: 300Mbps

    Channel 11: (Ch.1-11) - USA

    13: (Ch.1-13) - Europe

    14: (Ch.1-14) - Japan

    Frequency band 2.412~2.462GHz -USA

    2.412~2.472GHz -Europe ETSI

    2.412~2.484GHz -Japan

    Power 802.11b: 17dBm ± 1.5 dBm

    802.11g: 14dBm ± 1.5 dBm

    802.11n: 14dBm ± 1.5 dBm

    Sensitivity 802.11b: -83dBm /802.11g: -70dBm / 802.11n: -68dBm

    Antenna 2 x 3dBi Integrated Antennas

    Distance Outdoors 300m, Indoor 100m (According to the actual environment change)

    Security 64/128-bit WEP, AES, TKIP, WPA, WPA2, 802.1x, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, MAC, WDS


    Standard Version RFC768 User gram Protocol(UDP)

    RFC791 Internet Protocol(IP)

    RFC792 Internet Control Message Protocol

    RFC793 Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)

    bandwidth: 20MHz, 40MHz, Automatic(option)

    Mode AP Mode / Repeater Mode

    64/128/152-bit WEP

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
