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Betrusami Wii Motion Plus Adapter,Tevodo 2 Pack Wii Motion Plus Attachment for Original Wii Remote Controller(White)

  • Compatibility - The motion plus adapter is suitable for Compatible of wii remote Controller. Even on the TV screen, the player's arm position and direction can be more comprehensively tracked, thereby providing the player with unparalleled accuracy.
  • Easy to attach - Just put the wii motion plus Attachment into the hole of wii remote that you can enjoy your game.
  • More games - Connect the wii motion plus adapter, you can play more fun games, sports resorts and other dynamic games; games include: table tennis, tennis, golf, entertainment, etc.
  • High quality material - This Wii Motion Plus adapter is made of high quality material. Each product has been rigorously tested before sale,motion plus sensor is compatible with all original and third party remote easily attached to Wii Remote.
  • Warm-reminder - The product is a third-party product. Compatible with all original and third-party remote controls.

Compatible with a variety of games

Allow it to more accurately capture complex motion

It tracks the player's movements in finer detail and with greater accuracy

This will enhance your Wii experience

Allow actions to be rendered identically on the screen in real time.

Package included:

2x Motion plus adapter for Wii Remote

Warranty & Returns

Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


  • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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