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    Yassdwbn A/C Compressor Electronic Control Valve For Kia Rio EX LX 1.6L 2012-2017

    Limited time offer, ends 01/15 By zhuting autoparts

    • A/C Compressor Electronic Control Valve For Kia Rio EX LX SX 1.6L 2012-2017
    • Features
    • The most common problem with this particular compressor is usually not a failure of the compressor itself.
    • Instead it may be due to a faulty control valve.
    • Along with cooling loss, common symptoms include air from the vent that is merely fresh or even somewhat warm.
    A/C Compressor Electronic Control Valve For Kia Rio EX LX SX 1.6L 2012-2017


    The most common problem with this particular compressor is usually not a failure of the compressor itself.

    Instead it may be due to a faulty control valve.

    Along with cooling loss, common symptoms include air from the vent that is merely fresh or even somewhat warm.

    Suction pressures will be above normal, anywhere from 45-80 psi, while the discharge pressure will remain somewhat normal or below normal.

    Part Number97674-2S000

    For Kia Rio EX LX SX 1.6L 2012-2017

    This new Electronic Control Valve is only compatible with your for DVE12 Compressor for the vehicles listed above only!

    Package Include1 Set

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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