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    ANCEL S1000 Car EVAP Smoke Leak Detector Oil Pipe Leaks Analyzer Tester Auto Gas Leakage Locator for 12V Cars

    • This smoke machine is for all pipe systems Support EVAP. It is designed to detect the leakage of intake system, fuel system, exhaust system, cooling system and oil line system.
    • For detecting the leakage of pipe systems on cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles, off-road vehlicles, ATVS,light trucks and speedboats, Suitable for most car models.
    • Overheat Protection: When the temperature of the device exceeds 75?, power protection will be intelligently activated to turn it off.
    • Anti-frost Protection: The device can also work normally at -20?.
    • Powerful and Easy to Operale: The ANCEL S1000 has its own air pump,so it does not have to rely on other air machines. Connect the detector with DC12V battery , it can output lots of smoke within 30 seconds after on.
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    Specially designed for car repair shops, Ancel S1000 would assist maintenance technicians to carry out leak detection tests opportunely after your car enters the car repair shop. The leak detection test is the most basic but definitely significant test during car repair. Troubleshooting pipeline leakage problems can help fix car faults and eliminate engine lights effectively, due to 60% of the engine lights are caused by pipeline leakage. With the superb design, the leak detector can discover leakage holes as small as 0.2mm. Adopts the principle of isolated heat conduction, the smoke created from the machine is non-toxic. To ensures the safety of people and vehicles, the engine does not need to be ignited during use. Unlike the traditional method of using soapy water, only the upper half of the complex pipeline can be tested, cars are tested for all-round pipeline leakage.

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    Crankcase System Test: excessive pressure or corrosion of the crankcase is the main reason to damage the seal of the crankcase and cause oil leakage.

    Intake System Test: leakage in the air intake system will lead to insufficient intake of the car engine, which will result in scant engine power.

    Car Sealing Test: poor airtightness of the car may lead to a lot of inconvenience like inability to keep warm dusty, not soundproof, and not waterproof , etc.

    Fuel Tank System Test: possible reasons for the leakage of the fuel tank system: 1. There are gaps in the fuel tank and pipeline caused by improper installation. 2. The fuel tank cover is not sealed enough

    Turbo Test: the leakage of coolant would cause the engine to report high water temperature.

    EVAP System Test: Leakage of the fuel evaporation system will cause fuel vapor to leak into the atmosphere, causing waste and pollution or unstable engine idling.

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    Clear and Easy-to-Understand Indicator Lights: Through the indicator light, you can tell the current state of the machine, or whether the machine is overheated

    Intimate Fuel Volume Line: show you the real fuel volume and when you need to refuel or whether the fuel volume is too high.

    Velcro on the side: a useful design for collecting power cords and smoke transmission hoses

    Equipped Funnel: an auxiliary method to replenish the smoke oil to prevent the oil from splashing on the surface of the unit.

    Intake Bladder Replacement Rubber: The rubber on the Intake Bladder may be easily broken, if not operate properly with caution. The rubber could be replaced with a new one without replacing the whole Intake Bladder.

    Adapter Cone: help sealing different sizes of air intake and exhaust ports.

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    Notice: Maintenance technicians need a certain knowledge base of engine structure.
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    Using tips

    • Cannot test air conditioning ducts
    • Do not use the unit on smoke-sensitive parts. Eg. Lamp housing.
    • The equipment is compatible with mineral oil-based baby oil like Johnson&Johnson Pink bottles.

    Pure #5 white oil is the best choice if available.

    • Always confirm fluid level before use, if the fluid level is low enough to the bottom of the fillerport, it will need a refill.
    • For detecting the leakage of pipe systems on cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles, off-road vehicles, ATVs, light trucks, and speedboats. Suitable for all car models.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 30 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by CZL Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
